Flavescence dorée FD-D ELISA


FD isolate 16SrV-D phytoplasma

capture polyclonal
conjugate polyclonal
positive and negative controls

  • K-29B
  • Flavescence dorée FD-D ELISA KIT 500 T
  • € 240,00
  • K-29/250
  • Flavescence dorée FD-D ELISA KIT 250 T
  • € 160,00

SKU K-29 Category

Data Sheet

Method of assay

ELISA Double Antibody Sandwich (DAS) by polyclonal antibodies

Diagnostic signal

colorimetric by the action of alkaline phosphatase (AP) on p-nitrophenyl phosphate

Test number

500 - 250

Intended Use

in vitro detection of Flavesence dorée FD-D in grapevine and Scaphoideus titanus field samples

SpecificityFilippin L., Galetto L., Trivellone V., Elicio V., Marzachí C., Angelini E. (2022). A new ELISA test for monitoring “flavescence dorée” in field samples. Phytopathogenic Mollicutes 12 (1), 59. https://doi.org/10.5958/2249-4677.2022.00024.X
Supplied controls

1 positive - 1 negative freeze-dried. The absence of the phytoplasma ascertained by PCR.

Supplied Reagents

capture 200 µl/well - conjugate 200 µl/well

Shelf life

9-12 months when stored at 4°C



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